Our Technology

Explore how the Nordluft system works and about the technologies we offer

The Nordluft system

The Nordluft system is a high capacity drone-based spreading system. The system combines all of our technology into one effective solution.

Our system is the first solution capable of competing with tractors and helicopters on spreading capacity, but at the same time offer all advantages associated with drone technology.

Key Features


A key to the logistic efficiency of the Nordluft System is the Nordluft Base Station. It holds the NordKopters, the NGC, material refilling technology, and all auxiliary equipment. It also includes a massive cargo space for the load to be spread. This complete turnkey solution results in fewer transports and lower the costs of spreading.

Initially the system will be adapted for use in forestry and later agriculture with a first focus on fertilization and ash recycling. 

However the Nordluft system is customizable for all applications where material needs to be distributed up to 10 km from the base station position.

NGC - Drone swarm control system

Nordluft swarm control system

The Nordluft Ground Control (NGC) is a highly advanced drone swarm control system mainly developed for spreading. The system is however built to be easily customizable for other applications.

Key Features

NordKopter - Heavy lift drone

NordKopter is developed for the Nordluft system and customized for spreading applications. The drone is designed with high energy efficiency, cost effective and robustness in mind. NordKopter can also be used in various long endurance applications, e.g. cargo deliveries during natural disasters and surveillance. For detailed specifications and inquires, please get in touch with us. 


Key Features

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